publishing documentation of the GNET Huth family since 1989

Saturday, February 20, 2010

pdqb # 142: Geof Huth, "karrakokkoe"

Author: Geof Huth

Title: karrakokkoe: the few sounds and sights that precede and consist of song

Date of Publication: 20 Feb 2010

Type of Publication: Reading handout

Type of Work: Poetry (visual and otherwise)

Physical Description: A ledger-sized (11" X 17") sheet of blue paper, printed in black toner on both sides and folded in quarters to create a four-page leaflet, which when unfolded reveals a fifth page four times the size of the others.

Number of copies: 75

pdqb number: 142

Note: This is a handout for a reading in conjunction with the Karaoke + Poetry = Fun event organized on 20 February 2010 at Valentine’s, 17 New Scotland Avenue, Albany, New York, and featuring Eric Auld, Cara Benson, R.M. Englehardt, Geof Huth, Murrow, Tara Needham, Mary Panza, Tobias Seamon, Alifair Skebe, and Dan Wilcox. The handout is dedicated to the Finnish poet Karri Kokko, whose name (along with the work "karaoke") is echoed in the title of the pamphlet. The reading began with a poemsong entitle "Tartantie" and dedicated to Karri.

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