publishing documentation of the GNET Huth family since 1989

Saturday, October 13, 2007

pdqb # 117: Pumpkin Day 2007

Author: Geof Huth

Title: Pumpkin Day 2007

Date of Publication: 13 October 2007

Type of Publication: Leaflet

Type of Work: Dinner Menu

Physical Description: A single sheet of yellow 8½" X 11" paper ink-jet printed in black on one side.

Number of copies: 20

pdqb number: 117

Other series numbers: None

Note: Attendees at this event were Geof, Nancy, Erin, and Tim Huth, Jimmy Long, Denis Meadows, Laura Weiskotten, Ann Marie Przybyla, and David Lowry and Rob Gavel.

Editorial note: To simplify my day a little, I did not create today's Pumpkin Day menu in the traditional folded mini-booklet form. I just get too busy creating a feast to spend time carefully making a menu, especially since changes arise in the menu at the last moment. Erin actually printed out this menu for me just before dinner. One note on the menu, Rob Gavel made the pumpkin bisque, which was the highlight of the evening, and David Lowry, Ann Marie Przybyla, and Denis Meadows brought along plenty of the beverages listed on this sheet.

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